The Simple Way To Play PlayStation PSP Games Without UMD
By Yenoscyu

Playstation PSP Go
PlayStation PSP is a best-selling non-Nintendo handheld game system ever sold. Various things can be done by this powerful device other than gaming purpose. For example, you can watch movies, listen to music, and easy connections with other PlayStation PSP, PS2, PS3, and the Internet.
Normally, if you want to play games on the PlayStation PSP you need a game stored in the medium called Universal Media Disc (UMD). If you’re traveling and want to play 5 different games, then you are required to bring these five UMDs. However, now you can play games on the PlayStation PSP without using UMD! You do not need to bring a lot of UMD games when you’re going to play your favorite PlayStation PSP games.
You can play your PlayStation PSP games without the UMD by moving the game file to the memory stick. It’s that simple. Right now the memory stick can hold a maximum of 32 GB, although in theory it could reach 2 TB capacity! That capacity is big enough for playing a lot of PlayStation PSP games and other non-gaming purposes.
How It Works
a. If you already have PlayStation PSP games file in ISO or CSO on your computer, then the steps taken are as follows:
– Turn on your PlayStation PSP. Press Select button and the Visual Shell Menu (VSH) should appear. Highlight USB Device and press X until it set to Memory Stick.
– Connect your PlayStation PSP to computer via USB cable.
– Copy your ISO or CSO file on your computer to ISO folder on your PlayStation PSP.
– Play the game by selecting it from PlayStation PSP menu’s game section. The PlayStation PSP will load the ISO files as if it were normal PlayStation PSP game UMD. The game will start and you can play the games without inserting UMD again.
It’s very easy right.
b. If you have an UMD then first you have to make the ISO or CSO file from that PlayStation PSP UMD. Here’s one simple way to create the files:
– Turn on your PlayStation PSP. Press Select button and the Visual Shell Menu (VSH) should appear. Highlight USB Device and press X until it set to UMD Disc. Also make sure that UMD ISO Mode in M33 Driver.
– Insert UMD into PlayStation PSP drive then go to USB Mode to connect your PlayStation PSP to computer via USB cable.
– Extract UMD Gen files and double click to run it or to get into the file.
– Still in the same screen, go to Open menu, select My Computer, open PlayStation PSP drive, then select the UMD.
– Go to Save and Save the UMD as ISO or CSO into your computer.
– Done.
You now have PlayStation PSP game in ISO or CSO files. If you want to play it on your PlayStation PSP please follow the steps mentioned above (in section a).
If you follow the instructions successfully, then you can play so many cool PlayStation PSP games without the need to carry and insert the UMD again.
Good luck.