Top Collection of Call of Duty Black Ops Cheats PC

Call of Duty Black Ops Cheats PC
Black Ops cheats PC is there for those of you who want different way aka fun way to beat this one of MOST POPULAR title from the series. If you get stuck or have problems when battling through series of classified missions, covert warfare, and massive conflicts across the world, just use the Black Ops cheats PC below.
Kill Zombies Without A Sweat (Escalation DLC)
This Black Ops cheats PC will help you to kill zombies or run away from them so much easier.
To get the Black Ops cheats PC works, you need to keep a group of zombies into the water long enough that will cause them to freeze for a period of time allowing you to run away or slay them easily.
Climbing Ladder – Ready to Fire
You can use the following Black Ops cheats PC if you want to save your time and get your gun ready to fire fast after climbing a ladder.
All you have to do is to press MELEE BUTTON then climbing a ladder. You should time it correctly.
Break Free From Torture Chair
If you want to escape from torture chair on single player, just use the Black Ops cheats PC below.
All you have to do is to press SPACE BAR repeatedly and you’ll break free from that torture chair.
Finding Mighty Thunder Gun
Follow the Black Ops cheats PC below if you want to get the superior THUNDER GUN that’ll make your mission so much easier.
Just go to the back of the room then enter the office after the Nova 6 Gas is released at the beginning of Mission 7: Numbers. Find and pick the tape recorder by holding [Action]. The screen will shake if done correctly. Continue playing until you must jump off the roof into the building and onto the mattress. Inside, Clarke will move a fridge leading to the weapon stash.
To get the Black Ops cheats PC works you must WATCH Clarke move the fridge. Go to the left when you get inside the stash. You’ll see another tape recorder. Hold [Action] to pick it up. If done correctly, the screen will shake, and the mighty THUNDER GUN equipped with 12 SHOTS will appear from the wall!
If you get this GUN by using the Black Ops cheats PC above, the rest of the level should be VERY EASY.
Cheat Codes from Black Ops Cheats PC
You must create a backup copy of the file because this Black Ops cheats PC involves editing a game file. Edit the “config.cfg” file in the “players” directory in the game folder using a text editor. After you change the value of seta monkeytoy “1” line to seta monkeytoy “0” just save the file. Next, change its attributes to read only.
Press ~ to display the console window while playing the game or at the main menu, then type one of the Black Ops cheats PC below and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Black Ops Cheats PC | Results |
/god | God mode |
/demigod | Juggernaut |
/give all | Extra weapons |
/player_sustainammo 1 | Infinite ammunition |
/give ammo | Extra ammunition |
/noclip | No clipping mode |
/ufo | Flight mode |
/g_speed [number] | Set player speed |
cg_drawfps 1 | Show framerate |
/devmap zombie_theater | Start “Kino Der Toten” Zombies map |
/devmap zombie_pentagon | Start “Pentagon” Zombies map |
/give [item name] | Spawn indicated item |
Note: Some Black Ops cheats PC above are available in the pre-patched version of the game only.
Cheat Mode from Black Ops Cheats PC
After breaking free from interrogation chair by pressing [Aim Down Sight] + [Fire Weapon] + [Jump] repeatedly to escape from the chair (unlocks the “Just Ask Me Nicely” secret achievement), walk around behind you to find the computer. When you access it, type the following Black Ops cheats PC to get hidden features and early unlockables in the game.
Black Ops Cheats PC | Results |
DOA | Activate Dead Ops Arcade |
3ARC UNLOCK | Unlock Dead Ops Arcade, Five Zombies Mode map, and Zork game |
ZORK | Unlock Zork: The GREAT Underground Empire text-based adventure game. |
3ARC INTEL | Unlock all Intel for viewing |
HELP | Display all commands |
ALICIA | Unlock the Alicia virtual therapist game |
Intel Location Guide
You can watch the video containing the Black Ops cheats PC below to find all 42 intels in the game. Enjoy.
There they are. Hopefully those Black Ops cheats PC work perfectly and you find it useful in your adventure. Just choose your Black Ops cheats PC wisely and get lots of fun.
Happy gaming.