Need For Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC

Need For Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC
For PC players, here are Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC to bring more fun when you play this cool game.
Extra NOS
You can use the Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC below to get extra NOS at the beginning of a race.
All you have to do is to tap NOS to perform a “spray show” when the girls are up front waving their hands.
Easy NOS Recovery
The following Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC will fill your NOS tank if you run out of NOS in free roam mode.
Just pause the game then select “Jump to Garage”. Exit garage mode, as soon as you can, and your tank will be filled.
Fill NOS Quickly
To fill up your NOS quickly before a race you can use the Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC below.
Do a 360 (donut), turn while holding down handbreak and accelerate. You can do this 3 times, then wait and do another 3 donuts.
Easy Money
You will have a money boost if you use the Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC below.
If you start with Rachel’s car, just do some races and outruns rather than take it back immediately. This way, you’ll get extra money when you get yours.
Easy Drag Race Wins
Just follow the Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC below to increase your speed faster.
All you have to do is to keep tapping NOS as fast as you can rather than to hold it down and wasting it all at once.
Getting Cash and Reputation on World Map
The Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC below will give you cash and reputation from other racers when doing any races (exclude Outruns) on World Map from your garage.
All you have to do is to pause the game and choose Restart then win that race.
The Codes in Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC
Just put the following Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC at the Press Enter screen before loading a profile to activate the corresponding Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC function.
Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC | Results |
needperformance1 | Level 1 performance upgrades |
gimmevisual1 | Level 1 visual upgrades |
needperformance2 | Level 2 performance upgrades |
gimmevisual2 | Level 2 visual upgrades |
regmebaby | $20,000 in career mode |
ordermebaby | $1,000 in career mode, RX-8 and Skyline in quick race mode |
regmybank | $200 in career mode |
opendoors | The Doors sponsor |
yodogg | Snoop Dogg sponsor |
wannacapone | Capone sponsor |
shinestreetbright | ShinestStreet sponsor |
tunejapantuning | Japantuning sponsor |
needmybestbuy | Best Buy vinyl |
gottahavebk | Burger King vinyl |
Hopefully those Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats PC will be useful.
Happy gaming.