New Xbox 360 Price – Overview
By Yenoscyu

New Xbox 360
New Xbox 360 is released by Microsoft to address the various complaints against the old Xbox 360 version and of course to boost the sales of the Xbox 360 which is still below the Nintendo Wii’s sales. New Xbox 360 price is not as expensive as an initial price of the Xbox 360 Elite. New Xbox 360 price ranges from $ 200 up to $ 400.
New Xbox 360 consists several versions, which are 250 GB and 4 GB. The 250 GB version is available on the market since June 2010 while the other version is available since August 2010. The Xbox 360 price for 250 GB version is $ 300 whereas if added with Kinect sensor the price goes to $ 400. Xbox 360 price for a 4 GB version is $ 200 and if you want Kinect sensor as well then you need to add $ 100.
New Xbox 360 Price – What Will You Get
New Xbox 360 is a big improvement from the old Xbox 360 version. In this new version you will get a more streamlined console and use less energy. No more noisy fan or drive, because the cooling system has been improved. There is built-in Wifi in new Xbox 360, so you do not need to buy expensive Wifi device separately.
The number of ports in the new Xbox 360 are 5 ports, more than its predecessor. There is also Kinect port used to plug Kinect sensor inside new Xbox 360, so you do not need to plug Kinect sensor into a wall outlet and USB port.
The special feature in the new Xbox 360 is Kinect sensor bundled with the console either for 4 GB version or 250 GB version. New Xbox 360 price with Kinect is $ 300 for 4 GB version and $ 400 for the other version. You also will get Kinect Adventures game when you buy this bundle.
Kinect sensor is phenomenal. Within 25 days since its release, Kinect sensor has sold 2.5 million units. The sales even exceeds the iPad’s sales, which is iPad only sold over 2 million units within 2 months from its release date.
The presence of Kinect sensor surely can boost the sales of new Xbox 360 and also makes rivals such as PlayStation and Nintendo worried. You do not need any additional equipment to play the game when using Kinect sensor. All movement of the hands, feet, body, even your voice is the controller. The other hand, PlayStation Move and Nintendo Wii can also provide motion gaming but you still holding the two controllers when playing the game. With Kinect, you also can watch and control HD Movie just by waving your hand.
That is a brief overview of new Xbox 360 price today. New Xbox 360 price indeed competes with the new version of the PlayStation package on the market. Just ask for yourself, if this new Xbox 360 price provides everything you need in their bundle or not.