Dead Rising 2 Cheats Xbox 360 Finally Revealed

Cheats For Dead Rising 2 Xbox 360
In this sequel you still have to deal with wild and vicious zombies. You should be able by any means dispels the zombies out of your town. If you need help, please do not hesitate to use a Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360 below, my friends.
Easy Money
Use these Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360 to get the money with no sweat.
Easy Money 1: After you make it to the safe house and save your game for the first time, just Quit Game and Restart the story. DO NOT press Start to skip the cutscene. It will allow you to do the opening Slicecycles again and get $10,000 for coming as the winner. You can do these Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360 as many times as you like at anytime in the game.
Easy Money 2: First you must collect all 3 gambling magazines for these Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360 to work. After that, go to Slot Ranch Casino and play the large heart-shaped single pink slot machine you can find on the 1st floor near the access point to the Food Court. You can win lots of money by betting the max of $1,000. Maybe sometimes you can’t win but then you may win 3 times in a row. It’s possible to win$1,000,000 every 10 minutes.
Easy Money 3: One of simple Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360 available.
Just use the Hacker (flashlight and computer case) on ATMs to earn $10,000 from each place.
Easy Money 4: Use these Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360 when you see a pile of money ($100) in front of a slot machine. When you see it, just play on that slot machine and you can win up to 5 times. You will hardly win again on that slot machine until you leave the area and come back again.
Easy Leveling
Use these Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360 to boost your level up to 50.
Go to Fortune Park and head towards Atlantica Casino. Do not go in. Instead, follow the wall right until you see a maintenance door. You should see a hunk of meat and a stick of dynamite outside the door. Pick them up, go inside, and combine them to get Dynameat.
After that, go to the fireworks stand, grab some firecrackers, and jump up on top of the stand. Lure the zombies by using firecrackers. Once there is a large group of zombies, don’t hesitate to jump into the middle of the crowd, use the Dynameat, and get out fast. You will get lots of PP when it explodes. When you leave Fortune Park all of the items will spawn again. It means you can do these Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360 as many times as you desire, and still effective at level 45 and higher.
Easy Items
If you want to get more items in one area, all you need is to leave an area (loading screen appears) then enter the area again. All of the items will spawn again.
Magazine Duplication
These Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360 require 2 players.
Start the game and grab the magazine you want to duplicate. Have player 2 do the same in their own game. Both players save the game, then have player 2 joins player 1 through Co-op, drop the magazine and then leave the game. Player 1 picks up the magazine and save the game. Player 1 now has 2 copies of the magazine. You can repeat these Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360 until you get 12 of the same magazine.
The price at the pawnshops will decrease 120% if you have 12 Bargaining magazines. You will basically have an indestructible SUV if you have 12 Driving magazines.
Case Zero Bonus Costumes
Use the Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360 below to get special costumes from the previous game.
If you start the game by importing a Dead Rising: Case Zero file, then you will unlock the Bowling Shirt, Waitress Outfit, Hunting Jacket, and Overalls. Those are all Xbox 360 exclusives.
Well, how about those Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360? If the cheats are effective enough to slay the zombies, don’t have to feel guilty using Dead Rising 2 cheats Xbox 360 above.
Happy gaming.