The Great Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2 PC Cheats To Stop The Sith Forever

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 Cheats
It’s not an easy task to stop the Sith, but you have to do it even if it means exploring seven different worlds. As the last of the Jedi, you will be needed for these noble tasks. To help you, I will grant a variety of great Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 PC cheats that can destroy every obstacle in front of your eyes.
Use these cheats wisely, Jedi.
Revive Your Main Character
These Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 PC cheats will work when you have 3 people in your party. When your main character dies, let the other two living characters talk to each other. Your main character should back up to life then. It’s pretty simple, isn’t it?
How to Get Infinite Dark Side Points
It is one of easy Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 PC cheats you should try.
Just go to Plant Room to see Ithorian after the Ithorians asking for your help. If he asks you to save their leader, Chodo, just ask him for a reward. Leave them on their own after that. You will get Dark Side Points. Do this process repeatedly to get more Dark Side Points.
How to Get Infinite Money
These Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 PC cheats only work if your main character is male.
In Ebon Hawk you have to remove Handmaiden’s armor then talk and ask her to put some clothes on. Remove her robes after the conversation then tell her to put some clothes on again. You can repeat this process as many times as you like and you can sell those robes that worth around 2,000 credits for each set.
Cheat Codes
You have to edit a game file for these Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 PC cheats to work.
Open swkotor2.ini in your game folder, scroll to the Game Options section and add EnableCheats=1 then save the file and start the game. Just press ~ while playing the game then input the following Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 PC cheats to activate the corresponding cheat function although the entry box might be invisible.
Results | Cheat Codes |
Invincibility | invulnerability |
Heal selected character’s health and Force points |
heal |
100 Med Kits | givemed |
100 Advance Repair Kits | giverepair |
100 Armor | givesitharmour |
100 Computer Spikes | givecomspikes |
100 Section Spikes | givesecspikes |
All limited use items never expire | infiniteuses |
Add experience | addexp [number] |
Add indicated number of levels | addlevel [number] |
Add Light side points | addlightside [number] |
Add Dark side points | adddarkside [number] |
Get additional credits | givecredits [number] |
Show exact location on map | whereami |
Travel to indicated map | warp [map name] |
Press M to show entire map | revealmap |
Set “Computer Use” skill | setcomputeruse[1-99] |
Set “Demolitions” skill | setdemolitions[1-99] |
Set “Stealth” skill | setstealth[1-99] |
Set “Awareness” skill | setawareness[1-99] |
Set “Persuade” skill | setpersuade[1-99] |
Set “Repair” skill | setrepair[1-99] |
Set “Security” skill | setsecurity[1-99] |
Set “Treat Injury” skill | settreatinjury[1-99] |
Set “Strength” attribute | setstrength[1-99] |
Set “Dexterity” attribute | setdexterity[1-99] |
Set “Construction” attribute | setconstitution[1-99] |
Set “Intelligence” attribute | setintelligence[1-99] |
Set “Wisdom” attribute | setwisdom[1-99] |
Set “Charisma” attribute | setcharisma[1-99] |
Press W or S to move faster; repeat to disable | turbo |
Restart mini-games, if you lose | restartminigame |
Turn darkness into brightness | bright |
Spawn indicated item | giveitem [item name] |
Item Cheat Codes
You will get numerous items you like when using these Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 PC cheats. Just press ~ to open the console and input the codes. Here are some of them.
Items | Cheat Codes |
Hyper Adrenaline Amplifier | a_belt_09 |
Immunity Belt | a_belt_17 |
Powered Battle Armor | a_heavy_05 |
Zabrak Combat Suit | a_light_05 |
Dark Jedi Knight Robe | a_robe_14 |
Dark Jedi Master Robe | a_robe_18 |
Handmaiden’s Robe | a_robe_x01 |
Droid Energized Armor Mark III | d_armor_15 |
Physical Boost Package | e_imp1_09 |
Mental Boost Package | e_imp1_10 |
Hyper-adrenal Strength | g_i_adrnaline004 |
Hyper-adrenal Alacrity | g_i_adrnaline005 |
Hyper-adrenal Stamina | g_i_adrnaline006 |
Life Support Pack | g_i_medeqpmnt03 |
Pazaak Card Double | g_i_pazcard_020 |
Pazaak Card Tie Breaker | g_i_pazcard_021 |
Pazaak Card Flip 2&4 | g_i_pazcard_022 |
Pazaak Card Flip 3&6 | g_i_pazcard_023 |
Devastating Sonic Mine | g_i_trapkit025 |
Energy Projector | g_i_upgrade009 |
Dark Jedi Lightsaber | g_w_drkjdisbr001 |
Double-Bladed Lightsaber | g_w_drkjdisbr002 |
Ultimate Diatium Energy Cell | u_l_cell_13 |
Concussion Rocket | w_rocket_11 |
Ludo Kressh’s War Sword | w_melee_x12 |
Zersium Rifle | w_brifle_30 |
Remote’s Blaster | w_blaste_x20 |
Ostrine Edge | u_m_edge_15 |
Force Focusing Visor | a_helmet_30 |
Well, I hope those Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 PC cheats will make you a powerful Jedi that will bring peace and stability to the galaxy.
Happy gaming.