Phantasy Star Portable 2 Cheats Unlocked

Phantasy Star Portable 2 Codes
Ready to save Gurhal System? Your exciting adventure will be more fun if you use Phantasy Star Portable 2 Cheats below.
Secret Prequel Bonuses: You will get extra bonuses if you import character from the prequel game. You will get very rare and strong photon saber called Exam which gives a 20% to 60% S.E. Effect (Stun, Poison, Freeze, etc.). You can also receive one of four armor units depending on the class they have chosen.
Movie Theater: You can watch CutScenes after completing the game.
Secret Vision Codes: Just input Phantasy Star Portable 2 Cheats below on the vision phone in your room to get special items. Here are some of them.
Excalibur weapon, input code: 76416348
Longinus Lance (up to 50%), input code: 32143166
Miku’s Leek Rifle, input code: 39395345
Miku’s Leek Saber, input code: 39395343
Miku’s T. Leek Sabers, input code: 39395344
Mr. Ekoeko Stick, input code: 55687360
New Tea-Dog Plush, input code: 51355133
Ogi’s Head, input code: 74612418
Pizza Shack D Box, input code: 89747981
Game Pro Knuckles (up to 50%), input code: 88619433
Nei’s Partnership, input code: 64991154
Ochakendoog, input code: 51355131
Panda table, input code: 51355134
Play Blu Edge (up to 50%), input code: 43326648
PS Magazine R-Mag, input code: 21887733
Puyo Pop Fever Gun (mech gun), input code: 54186516
Puyo Pop Fists, input code: 11293398
Scouring Bubble (Fanta Collab), input code: 33286491
Sonic Knuckles, input code: 34819852
Special Pizza Cutter, input code: 34162313
Tea-Dog Plush, input code: 51355132
Telltale Hearts, input code: 48168860
The Rappy of Hope, input code: 54684698
Toop Nasur (Yut’s Spear), input code: 30495153
Toxic Cannon, input code: 33974688
True Hash, input code: 41761770
Special Phantasy Star Online Items: You will get these special items by using one of Phantasy Star Portable 2 Cheats available. To unlock the items, you just need to complete the game on Hard difficulty.
Here are the items you will get:
Amoroso Top (female)
Cast Voloyal Set
Ceremonial Wear (female)
FOmar Set
FOnewearl Set
Fonewm Top/Bottom
Formal Set (FOmarl)
HUcas Torso/Legs/Arms
HUcaseal Torso/Legs/Arms
HUmar Top/Bottom
HUnewearl Set
Neo-Magashi Replica
RAcas Torso/Legs/Arms
RAcaseal Torso/Legs/Arms
Ramarl Top
Shizuru Replica (male only)
Vivienne Replica
Voloyal Set (female)
Hopefully those Phantasy Star Portable 2 Cheats will be useful for your journey saving Gurhal.
Enjoy the game.