Play Free Online Math Games To Make Your Kids Smarter
By Yenoscyu

Free Online Math Games
For some or most people, math is a scary thing. They try to avoid the lessons in different ways. Actually these people are not stupid or not smart. They just don’t know how much fun math is. If they are given an exciting approach, they will be very enthusiastic when learning math.
One powerful and exciting approach to make people love math is by playing free online math games. Yes, by playing the games, the brain would be very easy to absorb the lessons given. Kids will not get stress when learning math because they will find pleasure when playing free online math games with an atmosphere that is not like studying.
If kids from an early age are introduced to this approach, playing free online math games, they will make math as their favorite subject and who knows if one day they can win the Math Olympic or even make some new math formulas. If this method is applied to other lessons, of course you will be able to imagine what positive results will be obtained by your kids in the future.
Free Online Math Games Websites
There are so many sites on the Internet that provides free online math games. Usually these sites have free online math games for various age categories, for example, from kindergarten, elementary school up to advanced level. From so many those sites, here I will ease your search by giving a brief explanation of some of the most famous sites that you can make a reference when taking your kids, niece or nephew to learn math in a very pleasant way, by playing free online math games.
1. FunBrain

FunBrain has at least 27 free online math games that can be played by kids ages preschool through grade 8. Most of them are interesting flash games. Kids can choose what game they want to play, choose the difficulty level, then pick the math lesson to learn such as division, multiplication, fractions, addition, or subtraction.
In the classic FunBrain, free online math games you can choose are Math Baseball and Math Car Racing, while in Flash Arcades there is Arcade Match which is the cool collection of 25 free online math games such as Bumble Numbers, Math Basketball, and Moon Rocks.
2. Cool Math 4 Kids

Cool Math 4 Kids
Other than providing free online math games, this site also give some lessons for kids to learn basic math, geometry, and prealgebra with an attractive visual appearance. In addition, here you can print math flash cards for free.
You can find that free online math games here are quite varied and displayed in simple yet interesting look. Some free online math games you can play include: Feed Fribbit Subtraction, Fraction Splat, Crazy Taxi M-12, Coffee Shop, and Lemonade Stand.
3. Math Playground

Math Playground
This site provides great free online math games for elementary and middle school students that can make them addicted. With a wide screen and an attractive appearance, the kids certainly love playing the games here. You can also play free online math games in multiplayer with other player around the world.
Some free online math games you can play, among others: Number Invaders (Space Invaders look a like), Math Man (Pac Man look a like), and Pumpkin Multiples. For the multiplayer you can try games such as Jet Ski Addition, Tug Team Fractions, and Demolition Division.
In addition, the site also contains the Math Word Problems and Logic Puzzles that can sharpen your math skills. If you wish to obtain guidance about the math, you can see it in the Math Videos that are displayed informative and interestingly.
4. Arcademic Skill Builders

Arcademic Skill Builders
The site provides a very attractive and great free online math games that will make kids glued to the computer all day long. They can learn basic math such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, integers, decimals, and fractions. There are at least 28 cool free online math games and displayed in wide screen and full color. Most of the games here can be played in multiplayer, a maximum of 12 people can join to play together.
These free online math games are designed so that the children are required to be able to give quick responses or solutions for math problems they face in a video game environment which are fun and addictive. Some interesting free online math games include: Tug Team Addition, Ducky Race Subtraction, Penguin Jump, Puppy Chase Fractions to Decimals, and Tug Team Pony Pull.
Some other sites that provide free online math games you can check for more are:
By playing free online math games your kids can have fun while learning math at the same time. Free online math games are very flexible, you can play it whenever and wherever you want. Make sure you accompany your kids or relatives when playing those games so it can produce more powerful learning outcomes.
Happy gaming.