Use These Fallout New Vegas Cheats PC to Conquer New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas PC Cheats
In Fallout New Vegas you will play as a courier for the Mojave Express. Apparently, this job is the beginning of your great journey in Vegas and the Mojave Wasteland. You will be confronted with various obstacles you have to conquer. It’s not easy to deal with all that. If you need help, don’t hesitate to use the Fallout New Vegas cheats PC below.
Easy Experience 1
You need a 25 Speech skill level to get the Fallout New Vegas cheats PC below work.
Talk to Angela Williams in the science lab in Camp McCarran. Pick the “I have some question for you.” Next followed with “What’s your role here?”. She will answer it, then pick the “What do you think of Dr. Hildren?”. After she replies, just pick “[Speech 25] He seemed focused on results. Maybe not so much on people.” Each time you do this, you’ll get 28 experience points. You can do the Fallout New Vegas cheats PC above as many time as you like.
Easy Experience 2
The following Fallout New Vegas cheats PC will give you 500 XP.
You’ll get a quest once you go to Vault 11. Enter the overseer’s passcode into her computer then you’ll be led to the sacrificial chamber. To get past everyone you can use the stealthboy. Access the computer mainframe when the walls on the left open. There you’ll be given 3 choices. Just select the second download to get 500 XP. Don’t exit the mainframe. You’ll get 500 XP each time you select that option. You can do the Fallout New Vegas cheats PC above as many time as you like.
Easy Experience 3
It’s the easiest Fallout New Vegas cheats PC I found.
Just play roulette in a casino. No matter if you win or lose, you’ll get 100 XP.
Infinite Caps 1
You can get 10 caps each time when you do the following Fallout New Vegas cheats PC.
Successfully finish the “Wang Dang Automatic Tango” quest to find Fisto, a Sexbot. After that, you can talk with Fisto next to roulette table in Silver Rush Casino. When he offers his services, just say “No thanks” to get 10 caps. To get infinite caps, just keep selecting this answer as many times as you like.
Infinite Caps 2
You’ll get 100 caps each time you do the Fallout New Vegas cheats PC below.
Just finish “I Put A Spell On You” quest up to the part where you blow up monorail and must talk to Colonel Hsu. Tell Colonel that Private Crenshaw had explosives and plans for the operation bearing Caesar’s emblem. After that conversation, he will give you 100 caps. You can repeat the cheats to get 100 caps each time.
Note: To get the Fallout New Vegas cheats PC work, first you have to blackmailed Private Crenshaw successfully.
Easy Kills
The following Fallout New Vegas cheats PC are very useful if you want to kill a NCR/Legion that has an item or weapon on them.
Equip the Anti-Material Rifle with incendiary rounds. Target the enemies / an enemy with it in VATS, then close VATS. You won’t use any ammo, but they will still be on fire and lose health. You won’t aggro friendlies or enemies and won’t lose Reputation or Karma with each kill this way.
Note: The Fallout New Vegas cheats PC above work for the unpatched version.
Add More Chances in Hacking
During a hack, just use 3 attempts. It means you leave just one to back out. Go back to the attempts screen and you’ll have 4 more chances. Repeat the Fallout New Vegas cheats PC above as many times as you like.
Kill People with No Bad Karma
Drop a large abject you can pick or push next to a standing NPC that isn’t leaning against a wall, sitting, or doing push-ups. Then run against the object to damage the NPC without you losing reputation or them becoming hostile. Repeat the Fallout New Vegas cheats PC above until the target is dead.
Fallout New Vegas Cheats PC – The Codes
Just press ~ to display the console window anytime during the game. Then type one of the following Fallout New Vegas cheats PC to get the corresponding cheat function. Here are some of them.
Results | Cheat Codes |
God mode | tgm |
Restore health and limb health | player.resethealth |
Repair items | player.srm |
Kill selected NPC or enemy | kill |
Kill everyone | killall |
Resurrect selected dead NPC or enemy | resurrect |
Unlock selected physical lock or terminal | unlock |
Open door without unlocking | activate |
Perfect VATS aiming | SetGS fVATSHitChanceMult 100 |
Remove all items from selected NPC | removeallitems |
Complete current quest | GetQuestCompleted |
All map markers | tmm1 |
Move to quest marker | movetoqt |
Add Anti-Material Rifle | player.additem 0012B38D [number] |
Gain one level | getXPfornextlevel |
Advance one level | advlevel |
Display all console commands | help |
There you have it. Hopefully those Fallout New Vegas cheats PC will bring lots of fun when you play this exciting game.
Happy gaming.