Super Street Fighter IV PS3 Cheats You Should Know

Super Street Fighter 4 PS3
This game received a positive response and got a satisfactory rating from the various gaming sites. For all of you PS3 fighters, I give you some of the Super Street Fighter IV PS3 cheats that will make you love the game even more.
Special T-Shirts for Avatar: You can receive special T-shirts for your PlayStation Home Avatar by using Super Street Fighter IV PS3 cheats below.
Fight T-Shirt, unlocked by having the Rival Schooled Trophy.
The Super SFIV “TressPass” T-Shirt, unlocked by having The Herculean Effort Trophy.
“Winner!” T-Shirt, unlocked by having Tenpeat Trophy.
K.O. T-Shirt, unlocked by having The Sunspotter Trophy.
Test Your Skill With Gouken: Yes, you can fight Gouken in Arcade Mode who will challenge you after the fight with Seth after you follow some Super Street Fighter IV PS3 cheats requirements below.
– Don’t lose a single round (in 3 rounds default setting)
– Get 2 Perfect Rounds (not being hit a single time during a round)
– Execute 5 Super or Ultra Combo Finishes
– Make 10 “First Hits”
Fight Second Rival: This Super Street Fighter IV PS3 cheats allow you to fight character’s second rival but only for Cammy, Ryu, Seth, Chun Li, Guile, and C. Viper. Just hold the all kick button when you see “Now! Fight your Rival!”.
Trophies: There are so many trophies you can have if you know how to unlock them. Use Super Street Fighter IV PS3 cheats below to receive some of the trophies available.
Rival Schooled (Bronze), unlocked by finishing all Rival Battle for every character on Medium or Higher.
Herculean Effort (Bronze), unlocked by completing Arcade Mode without using a continue on Medium or higher.
Sunspotter (Bronze), unlocked by executing 365 Super or Ultra Combo finishes to your enemies.
Long Time No See (Bronze), unlocked by completing Arcade Mode on Hardest difficulty and beat Gouken.
It Begins (Bronze), unlocked by setting your Icon and Title to fight online.
Tenpeat (Silver), unlocked by winning 10 Ranked Matches in a row.
Bring it on! (Silver), unlocked by fighting 100 battles online.
Special Movement (Silver), unlocked by performing Special Move 100 times.
Speed Freak (Silver), unlocked by completing each round in Arcade Mode on Medium or higher at least in 20 seconds.
This is Madness! (Gold), unlocked by fighting 300 battles online.
Trial Athlete (Gold), unlocked by completing all Trial Mode challenges.
Trophy Collector (Platinum), unlocked by having all Trophies.
Personal Actions: Just use Super Street Fighter IV PS3 cheats below to get additional Taunts and Colors for every character.
Taunt #2, unlocked by using the character in 1 match.
Taunt #3, unlocked by using the character in 3 match.
Taunt #4, unlocked by using the character in 5 match.
Taunt #5, unlocked by using the character in 7 match.
Taunt #6, unlocked by using the character in 9 match.
Taunt #7, unlocked by using the character in 11 match.
Taunt #8, unlocked by using the character in 13 match.
Taunt #9, unlocked by using the character in 15 match.
Taunt #10, unlocked by using the character in 16 match.
Color #3, unlocked by using the character in 2 match.
Color #4, unlocked by using the character in 4 match.
Color #5, unlocked by using the character in 6 match.
Color #6, unlocked by using the character in 8 match.
Color #7, unlocked by using the character in 10 match.
Color #8, unlocked by using the character in 12 match.
Color #9, unlocked by using the character in 14 match.
Color #10, unlocked by using the character in 16 match.
Color #11, unlocked by starting a game with Street Fighter IV save file.
Color #12, unlocked by starting a game with Street Fighter IV save file.
Other Unlockables: You will get extra stages, voice tracks, and other unlockables if you use Super Street Fighter IV PS3 cheats below.
Car Crusher Bonus Stage, unlocked by completing Arcade Mode on any difficulty.
Barrel Buster Bonus Stage, unlocked by completing Arcade Mode on any difficulty.
Remixed Character Music for battle, unlocked by having “It Begins” Trophy.
Japanese Voice Track, unlocked by completing Story Mode on any difficulty with any character.
Character Tracks for Vs Mode, unlocked by setting an Icon and Title for your status.
Now you know some Super Street Fighter IV PS3 cheats available to bring more fun when you playing it. You can visit gamefaqs to find more Super Street Fighter IV PS3 cheats.